Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
detail: ceiling painting, Juno Presenting to Venice the Insignia…
detail: ceiling painting, Istria on left, Verona on right
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty. To the…
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty
detail: stucco ceiling above door
detail: stucco ceiling
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: painting, Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
main facade
main facade
detail: sculpture of St. George in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
main facade
main facade
side altar
side altar
detail: column capitals and garland in north choir chapel
Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament