view of chancel
view of chancel
view of chancel
view of chancel vault and basin of apse
ceiling of Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
detail: ceiling of Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
view of Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
view of chancel vault and basin of apse
view of chancel vault
detail, chancel vault painting
basin of apse
basin of apse
detail: paintings on right side of chancel
detail, chancel vault painting
detail, chancel vault painting
detail, right side of chancel vault painting
detail, basin of apse painting
detail, basin of apse painting
detail: ceiling centerpiece, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
Sala del Consiglio dei Dieci
Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
view of ceiling vault
detail: ceiling beneath nun's gallery, painting of St.…
detail: ceiling beneath nun's gallery, painting of St.…
detail: ceiling painting of the Holy Spirit beneath nun's…
detail: ceiling vault, paintings of prophets and patriarchs
Detail of vault: the Prophet Jeremiah (written in Latin,…
view of ceiling vault
detail: railing, nun's gallery
view of the grand staircase
detail: St. Roch in Glory, ceiling, grand hall
Moses Striking the Rock, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Moses Striking the Rock, ceiling, grand hall
Pillar of Fire, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Jonah Leaves the Whale's Belly, ceiling, grand hall
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: Last Judgement, ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone