Exterior: View from Accademia Bridge
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view of buildings along basin
view across canal from canal entrance
view across canal from canal entrance
Interior: Second Floor Balcony
Exterior: Façade from the east side of the Grand Canal
View from Corte dell'Alboro
View from dock at Campo San Samuele
Exterior: View of the East Bank
Exterior: View of the East Bank
view of Grand Canal, looking northwest from near Accademia…
view of Palazzi Contarini degli Scrigni e Corfù from across the…
view of Grand Canal, looking south with Ca' Rezzonico at…
view looking northeast along the Grand Canal, with the Palazzi…
view of Ca' Foscari and the Palazzo Balbi flanking the Rio…
view looking southwest along the Grand Canal, with the Ca'…
view looking southwest along the Grand Canal, with the Ca'…
general view of Grand Canal, taken across from Palazzo Loredan
View looking north along Grand Canal from Corte del Duca Sforza
view across Grand Canal of Palazzo Bernardo Nani left, and Ca…
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of Palazzo Balbi from across the Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Giustinian and the Ca' Foscari from…
view of the Palazzo Balbi from across the Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Giustinian and the Ca' Foscari from…
view of Palazzo Caotorta Angaran from across the Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Bernardo and Palazzo Querini Dubois from…
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Chiesa di…
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Calle Benzon
view of Grand Canal from Corte del Duca Sforza
Exterior: View Next to the Palazzo Moro-lin
view of Grand Canal from Calle Morolin
Exterior: View of the Grand Canal from Palazzo Grassi
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
view across Canale Grande, looking east at building across from…
canal steps
view across Grand Canal from Ca’ Pesaro steps
view towards Ca’ d’Oro from Ca’ Pesaro steps
view northwest on Grand Canal towards Ca’ Pesaro
view from east bank of Rialto
detail: canal entrance
View along Riva de l'Ogio
View along Riva de l'Ogio
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view of Hotel Bauer from Santa Maria della Salute
view of Hotel Bauer from Santa Maria della Salute
view towards Palazzo Badoer Tiepolo (left) and Palazzo Treves de…
view towards Bauer Hotel from Santa Maria della Salute
view towards Bauer Hotel from Santa Maria della Salute
view towards Ca' Corner from Santa Maria della Salute
view towards Ca' Corner from Santa Maria della Salute