Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement of Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Contarini Chapel
Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
View of Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Interior: Crossing
Interior: Contarini Chapel
Interior: Nave