view of left wall of right chapel
Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
detail: ceiling painting, Juno Presenting to Venice the Insignia…
detail: ceiling painting, Istria on left, Verona on right
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty. To the…
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty
detail: stucco ceiling above door
detail: stucco ceiling
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: painting, Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
detail: painting, Sala del Collegio
Interior: View of Collegio
Interior: Antichamber
Interior: Antichamber
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
side altar
side altar
detail: view into side chapel
detail: side altar with painting
side altar
detail: side altar with painting “Risen Christ and Saint Andrew…
side altar
detail of depiction of Vincenzo Morosini
side altar
detail: Pope Gregory
view of presbytery with painting “The Jews in the Desert”
view of presbytery with painting “The Last Supper”
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: Altar
Interior: East of Crossing
Interior: North Transept
Interior: Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento, South Choir Chapel