Interior: View of Apse
Interior: View of Nave
view of Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
view of left wall of right chapel
detail: paintings on right side of chancel
detail: painting on right side of chancel
detail: painting on right side of chancel
detail: painting on right side of chancel
detail, left side of chancel vault painting
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement of Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
View of Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Interior: Crossing
view of apse and Baptism of Christ
Detail of Baptism of Christ in the Apse
view of apse with painting “Baptism of Christ”
view of apse and main altar
detail: painting on left side of altar
detail: painting on left side of altar
detail: painting on right side of altar
view of presbytery with painting “The Jews in the Desert”
view of presbytery with painting “The Last Supper”
Interior: Altar
Interior: East of Crossing
Interior: Crossing
Interior: Nave
Interior: View of Apse
Interior: Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento, South Choir Chapel
Interior: View of the Chapel of Saint Athanasius (Nuns Choir)