Panorama Tour
Panorama Tour
Exterior: Gate View from Campo
Arsenale Gate from the Rio de l'Arsenale and the Fondamenta…
Arsenale Gate from the Rio dell'Arsenale and the Fondamenta…
Westernmost tower
view of Porta Magna with Porta d'Acqua to right
detail of lion
detail of statue of Vigilance
detail of statue of Justice
detail of arch entrance; Lion of St. Mark and Santa Giustina
Lion of St. Mark
detail of commemorative column
Allegorical Statue
Allegorical Statue
Lion of St. Mark
Statue of Santa Giustina
detail of arch entrance
detail of arch entrance
Exterior: View from Ponte del Paradiso
detail of arch entrance; Lion of St. Mark and Justice
Lion of St. Mark
Santa Giustina
Interior: Chancel and Apse
Interior: Contarini Chapel
Interior: Nave
Interior: Left Aisle of the Nave
Interior: View of Chapel of Saint Tarasio
Interior: View of the Chapel of Saint Athanasius (Nuns Choir)
Interior: View of the Main Crossing
Interior: View of the Crypt
Exterior: View of Facade
Interior: View of Nave
Interior: View of Nave
view of nave wall
detail: floor mosaic
detail: floor mosaic
Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: floor mosaic of eagle, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: floor mosaic of deer, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: vault, corner, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: wall surrounding Polyptych of the Body of Christ, Chapel…
main facade
main facade
main facade
main facade
main facade