Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: painting, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the…
detail: Paradise, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the…
detail: Paradise by Jacopo e Domenico Tintoretto, Sala del…
detail: Paradise, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the…
detail: corner, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great…
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Morosini Chapel
Morosini Chapel
Nativity by Domenico Tintoretto in the Morosini Chapel
Nativity by Domenico Tintoretto in the Morosini Chapel
Nativity by Domenico Tintoretto in the Morosini Chapel
Detail of Nativity by Domenico Tintoretto in the Morosini Chapel
Interior: Chapel
view down nave towards entrance
detail: painting of St. George
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
side altar
side altar
detail: view into side chapel
detail: side altar with painting
side altar
detail: side altar with painting “Risen Christ and Saint Andrew…
side altar
detail of depiction of Vincenzo Morosini
side altar
detail: Pope Gregory
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: Nave
Interior: North Transept
view of altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: painting, altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
Interior: View of the Main Hall, Chapel and Coffered Ceiling
Interior: View of the Main Hall, Chapel and Coffered Ceiling
Interior: View of Grand Hall, at Altar
detail: painting, left side of altar
detail: painting, right side of altar
view of Sala Capitolare towards altar
view of Sala Capitolare towards altar