view of Porta Magna with Porta d'Acqua to right
detail of arch entrance; Lion of St. Mark and Santa Giustina
Statue of Santa Giustina
detail of arch entrance
detail of arch entrance
Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
detail: ceiling painting, Juno Presenting to Venice the Insignia…
detail: ceiling painting, Istria on left, Verona on right
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty. To the…
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty
detail: stucco ceiling above door
detail: stucco ceiling
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: painting, Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
Interior: Antichamber
Interior: Antichamber
detail of arch entrance; Lion of St. Mark and Justice
Santa Giustina
detail: side altar with Madonna
detail: statue of Madonna
view towards main altar
main altar
view of organ, main altar
detail: sculpture of angel on main altar
detail: central sculpture on main altar
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: Altar
Interior: Choir
Interior: East of Crossing
altar, left side
Interior: Crossing
view of lower hall from altar side
detail: sculpture of St. Roch in lower hall, altar side
detail: sculpture of St. Roch in lower hall, altar side
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Altar Side
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Center