view of southern facade from Campiello Barbaro
view of southern facade from Campiello Barbaro
view of southern facade from Campiello Barbaro
view of southern facade from Campiello Barbaro
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view from the Ponte dell'Accademia
general street view of Rio de l'Arsenale and Fondamenta de…
view facing West on Fondamenta Arsenale of buildings across Rio…
Arsenale Gate from the Rio de l'Arsenale and the Fondamenta…
view facing West on Fondamenta Arsenale of buildings across Rio…
Arsenale Gate from the Rio dell'Arsenale and the Fondamenta…
Easternmost tower
Westernmost tower
view from the Ponte del Paradiso
view from the Ponte del Paradiso
view from gate towards interior wooden bridge
detail of clock and dedicatory inscription
detail of relief on Arsenale wall on eastern side of Rio dell…
view of Porta Magna with Porta d'Acqua to right
detail of lion
detail of statue of Vigilance
detail of statue of Justice
detail of arch entrance; Lion of St. Mark and Santa Giustina
Lion of St. Mark
detail of commemorative column
Allegorical Statue
Allegorical Statue
Lion of St. Mark
Statue of Santa Giustina
detail of arch entrance
detail of arch entrance
detail of clock
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view of buildings along basin
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco of Il Redentore
view from the Giudecca Canal
view of buildings along Fondamenta Zattere, overlooking the…
Eastern view from the Giudecca Canal
view from the Giudecca Canal
view from the Giudecca Canal
Southern Facade
Southern Facade
courtyard entrance
courtyard entrance
courtyard entrance
detail: wellhead, courtyard
detail: wellhead, courtyard
view of piano nobile, courtyard
detail: wellhead, courtyard
view across canal from canal entrance
view across canal from canal entrance
view of canal facade
view of canal facade
view of canal facade
detail: balcony, canal facade
view of canal facade
view of canal facade
detail: balcony, canal facade
detail: balcony, canal facade
view of canal facade
detail: corner, canal facade
detail: window, canal facade
detail: window, canal facade
detail: window, canal facade
view of canal facade
view of canal facade
view of canal facade
view across canal from balcony
view of canal facade
view from Grand Canal
view from Grand Canal
detail of entrance, view from Grand Canal
view from Grand Canal
view of altar across aisle
view of altar across aisle
detail: side aisle altar
view across aisle
view across aisle
view of chancel
view of chancel
view of chancel
view of Priuli Altar across aisle
view of Priuli Altar
view of altar across aisle
view of second altar on right aisle
detail: second altar on right aisle, altarpiece
detail: Priuli Altar, altarpiece
view of chancel vault and basin of apse
detail: Altar of the Immaculate Conception
detail: altarpiece, Altar of the Immaculate Conception
view of Trevisan Altar across aisle
Trevisan Altar
detail: Trevisan Altar altarpiece
detail: sculpture on Trevisian Altar
detail: sculpture on Trevisian Altar
Morosini Altar
Morosini Altar, detail of altarpiece
ceiling of Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
detail: ceiling of Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
detail: altar, Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
view of Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento
view of left wall of right chapel
view of chancel vault and basin of apse
view of chancel vault
detail, chancel vault painting
basin of apse
basin of apse
chancel and main altar
detail: altar, featuring the remains of St Laurence Giustiniani…
detail: left side of altar
detail: Saint Paul and Saint Mark on right side of altar
detail: paintings on right side of chancel
detail: painting on right side of chancel
detail: painting on right side of chancel
detail: painting on right side of chancel
detail, chancel vault painting
detail, chancel vault painting
detail, right side of chancel vault painting
detail, left side of chancel vault painting
detail, basin of apse painting
detail, basin of apse painting
view from altar looking towards rear of church
view of Vendramin Chapel from across aisle
detail: Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
Right wall of Vendramin Chapel
Left wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: bas-relief on right wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: bas-relief on right wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: bas-relief on left wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: sculpture on main altar above altarpiece, Vendramin…
detail: sculpture, Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical sculpture in Vendramin Chapel
view of aisle
front facade
detail: Doge Francesco Foscari kneeling before the Lion of St.…
detail: column capital, carved stone on Western facade
Southeastern corner of courtyard
Southern face of Arco Foscari
Northwestern corner of courtyard
Northern end of courtyard
detail: sculpture on northern facade of courtyard
Western face of Arco Foscari
Southern face of Arco Foscari
detail: Mars, courtyard, Scala dei Giganti
detail: courtyard, Scala dei Giganti
detail: Neptune, courtyard, Scala dei Giganti
detail: courtyard, Scala dei Giganti
detail: courtyard, Scala dei Giganti
detail: courtyard, Scala dei Giganti
detail: sculptural keystone of arch on western face of Arco…
Lion of St. Mark on eastern facade above Scala dei Giganti
view of courtyard from Scala dei Giganti
view from Scala dei Giganti
Western face of Arco Foscari
detail: lower entrance to Scala d'Oro
view from eastern second level loggia
Western face of Arco Foscari and Manopola clock
detail: ceiling
detail: ceiling
Sala dello Scudo
Sala dello Scudo
Sala degli Scarlatti
detail: ceiling
relief over doorway
relief over doorway
Sala dello Scudo
detail: coat-of-arms of Ludovico Manin