detail: lower entrance to Scala d'Oro
detail: ceiling
detail: ceiling
detail: ceiling
detail: ceiling
View of top of Scala d'Oro and first floor facing North
Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
detail: ceiling painting, Juno Presenting to Venice the Insignia…
detail: ceiling painting, Istria on left, Verona on right
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty. To the…
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty
detail: stucco ceiling above door
detail: stucco ceiling
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: painting, Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
view of Ca' Foscari and the Palazzo Balbi flanking the Rio…
view looking southwest along the Grand Canal, with the Ca'…
View looking north along Grand Canal from Corte del Duca Sforza
view across Grand Canal of Palazzo Bernardo Nani left, and Ca…
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of small palazzo next to Ca' Rezzonico from across the…
view of Palazzo Balbi from across the Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Balbi from across the Grand Canal
Dome of Poetics
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
view down nave towards entrance
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: columns, sculpture right of entrance
detail: columns, sculpture left of entrance
Front view of the high altar