detail: sculptural relief of Rome, facade
detail: sculptural relief of Corfu, facade
detail: sculptural relief of Spalato, facade
detail: Sculpture of Iomaria Barbaro, facade
main facade
main facade
view of Ponte dei Miracoli and buildings along Rio dei Miracoli…
view of Ponte dei Miracoli and buildings along Rio dei Miracoli…
view of Ponte Santa Maria Nova and buildings along Rio dei…
view of Ponte Santa Maria Nova and buildings along Rio dei…
view of chancel side, rear
view of chancel from canal
view of chancel from canal
view of chancel from canal
View of the short rio between Rio dei Miracoli and Rio della…
view of nave and altar
view of ceiling vault
detail: pulpit to the left of main altar
choir gallery and entrance
view towards high altar
altar, left side
view of pulpit to the right of main altar
Front view of the high altar
view of domed ceiling above apisdale
detail: plinth relief, left side of altar
View down the nave toward the entrance and nuns' gallery
detail: plinth relief, right side of altar
right side of central staircase
view of dome and spandrel over main altar
detail: ceiling beneath nun's gallery, painting of St.…
detail: ceiling beneath nun's gallery, painting of St.…
detail: ceiling painting of the Holy Spirit beneath nun's…
detail: ceiling vault, paintings of prophets and patriarchs
Detail of vault: the Prophet Jeremiah (written in Latin,…
view of ceiling vault
detail: railing, nun's gallery
Interior: Crossing
Exterior: Western Façade
Exterior: Western Façade
Interior: Nave
Exterior: Northeastern Façade
Interior: West End
Interior: North Aisle Chapel
Interior: North Aisle Chapel
Interior: North Aisle Chapel
Interior: South Aisle Chapel
Interior: South Aisle Chapel
Interior: South Aisle Chapel
Interior: Choir
Interior: Crossing
Exterior: Northwest View
Exterior: Southwest View
Exterior: Western View
Interior: Nave
Interior: Nave
Interior: Sacristy
Interior: Cappella Emiliana
Interior: Apse
Exterior: Cimeteria
Interior: View of North Chapel
Interior: View of South Chapel
Interior: Cloister, Eastern End
Exterior: Cloister
Exterior: Western Façade
Interior: Nave
Interior: Narthex
Interior: Sacristy
Interior: North Transept, Chapel
Interior: View Down North Aisle
Interior: View Down South Aisle
Interior: View of Apse
Interior: North Choir Chapel
Interior: North Chapel West of North Transept
Interior: Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento, South Choir Chapel
Interior: View of Crossing
Exterior: View of Main Facade
Interior: View of Nave
Interior: Crossing
Exterior: Facade View
Interior: Nave
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: Nave, West End, North Side
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: Nave, West End, South Side
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: North Choir Chapel
Interior: South Chapel
Interior: Crossing
Exterior: Façade, Campo
Interior: Nave
Interior: North Transept
Interior: South Transept
Interior: View of Apse
Interior: North Chapel
Exterior: View of Facade
Interior: View of Nave
Interior: View of Nave
Interior: View of Sacristy
Exterior: View of Main Facade
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: North Chapel
Interior: South Chapel
Interior: Crossing
Interior: Nave
Interior: Nave
Interior: Sacristy
Interior: Left Aisle of the Nave
Interior: View of Chapel of Saint Tarasio
Interior: View of the Chapel of Saint Athanasius (Nuns Choir)
Interior: View of the Main Crossing
Interior: View of the Crypt
Exterior: View of Facade
Interior: View of Nave
Interior: View of Nave
view of nave wall
detail: floor mosaic
detail: floor mosaic
Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: ceiling above Polyptych of Virgin, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: floor mosaic of eagle, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: floor mosaic of deer, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: vault, corner, Chapel of San Tarasio
detail: wall surrounding Polyptych of the Body of Christ, Chapel…
main facade
main facade
main facade
main facade
main facade
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
view across Grand Canal from Campo della Salute
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: statue of St. John in niche
detail: sculpture in niche, facade
detail: doorway arch
detail: Statue of St. Matthew in niche
detail: Statue of St. Mark in niche
detail: sculpture
detail: column capital and sculpture
detail: drum of dome
view of Hotel Bauer from Santa Maria della Salute
view of Hotel Bauer from Santa Maria della Salute
view towards Palazzo Badoer Tiepolo (left) and Palazzo Treves de…