view of Basilica San Marco
view of Basilica San Marco
Detail: Doge Francesco Foscari Kneeling before the Lion of St.…
looking south down Rio de S. Cassan from Ponte Giovanni Andrea…
looking south down Rio de S. Cassan from Ponte Giovanni Andrea…
view of Sotoportego de Siora Bettina from Ponte Giovanni Andrea…
view of Ponte de la Chiesa from Campo San Cassiano
view of buildings alongside Rio de San Cassan from Campo San…
Easternmost corner of Campo San Cassiano
view of buildings along Campo San Cassiano
detail: roof of building alongside Rio de San Cassan aside Ponte…
looking north down Rio de S. Cassan from Ponte Giovanni Andrea…
looking west down Calle dei Morti towards Calle Regina
detail: rustication, exterior
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
view across Grand Canal from Ca’ Pesaro
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
detail: windows, facade
detail: windows, facade
view from Grand Canal
detail: corner
detail: keystone sculpture
canal entrance
view across Canale Grande, looking east at building across from…
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
detail: keystone sculpture
canal steps
view across Grand Canal from Ca’ Pesaro steps
view of Calle Corner at intersection with Ramo del Rosa
detail: keystone sculpture
view towards Ca’ d’Oro from Ca’ Pesaro steps
view from Grand Canal
view from Grand Canal
detail: windows on facade
view across Grand Canal of building on Calle del Tragheto, next…
view of Ponte Giovanni Andrea della Croce o de la Malvasia from…
view northwest from Ponte del Forner detto de Sant'Antonio…
view northwest from Ponte del Forner detto de Sant'Antonio…
view of Ponte San Boldo and Campo San Boldo from Ponte del…
view north on Rio de San Agostin from Ponte de le Oche
view south on Rio de San Agostin from Ponte de le Oche
view south on Rio de San Agostin from Ponte de le Oche
detail: medieval sculptural relief on building adjacent to Ponte…
detail: medieval sculptural relief on building adjacent to Ponte…
detail: medieval sculptural relief on building adjacent to Ponte…
view of Palazzetto on Rio de S. Giacomo da l'Orio from…
detail: pointed arch
detail: window
view looking southwest
view looking northeast of buildings along Rio de le do Torre…
view of building on western side of campo
view of building on eastern side of campo
view of building on western side of campo
detail: building on western side of campo
detail: sculptural relief on side facing Campo San Polo
detail: sculptural relief of Madonna and Child on side facing…
detail: sculptural relief of Madonna and Child on side facing…
buildings along southern side of campo
view of facade from Campo Sant'Aponal
view of facade from Rio Terra S. Silvestro
view of facade from Rio Terra S. Silvestro
view of arcades of Sotoportego dei Oresi
view from Campo S. Giacomo di Rialto
view down Ruga dei Oresi
looking north on Grand Canal from Fondamenta, Rialto Bridge
view of southern side from Fondamenta
view of southern side from Fondamenta
view of southern side from Fondamenta
view of buildings looking north from Rialto Bridge
view of buildings looking north from Rialto Bridge
view looking east from Ponte de l'Ogio towards Rio del…
view of facade from Salizada S. Giovanni Grisostomo
detail: column capital, facade
facade of Ca' da Mosto on Campiello del Leon Bianco prior…
view of clocktower from Campo Santi Apostoli
view down Rio de Santi Apostoli from Campo Santi Apostoli
view down Rio de Santi Apostoli from Campo Santi Apostoli
view of buildings surrounding Campo Santi Apostoli
view from Campo Santi Apostoli
view looking northwest on Grand Canal towards Mercato di Rialto
view of northern bank of canal from end of Ramo Dragan
view northwest on Grand Canal towards Ca’ Pesaro
view of northern bank of canal from end of Ramo Dragan
view of Pescheria Nuova from Grand Canal
view of Fabbriche Nuove from across Grand Canal
view from east bank of Rialto
view from Grand Canal
detail: canal entrance
detail: shrine underneath arcade over Fondamenta del Traghetto,…
view from Grand Canal
detail: medieval sculptural detail on building on sourth side of…
view looking southeast of buildings along Rio de Santa Fosca…
detail: sculptural detail on brick wall surrounding Palazzo Donà…
view looking northwest of buildings along Fondamenta de Ca…
view looking northwest of buildings along Fondamenta de Ca…
detail: southwest facade
view of Palazzo Correr from Campo Santa Fosca
view of building along Fondamenta de Ca' Vendramin from…
view of building along Fondamenta de Ca' Vendramin from…
view south down Salizada Santa Fosca towards Ponte Nicolò…
detail: sculptural relief on building, Cannaregio
view of southern side of Rialto Bridge from Grand Canal
main facade
detail: sculptural relief of Charity, main facade
detail: main facade
detail: main facade
detail: main facade
detail: sculptural relief of Charity, main facade
detail: main facade
View west on Riva degli Schiavoni
view west on Riva degli Schiavoni towards Monumento a Vittorio…
main facade
view across Bacino San Marco towards San Giorgio Maggiore from…
detail: building facade along Riva degli Schiavoni, between Rio…
detail: embellished door along Riva Ca' di Dio, between Rio…
detail: ram's head figurehead on Northern side of Ponte San…
detail of arch entrance; Lion of St. Mark and Justice
Lion of St. Mark
Santa Giustina
view of Ponte San Biasio delle Catene looking South from…
view across aisle, facing main altar
view of apse and Baptism of Christ
Detail of Baptism of Christ in the Apse
detail: rib vault
detail: apse rib vault with stucco embellishment
view of apse with painting “Baptism of Christ”
view of side chapel
detail: painting in side chapel
detail: painting in side chapel
detail: ceiling in side chapel
view of wooden ceiling over nave
view of wooden ceiling over nave
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
view of apse and main altar
view of main altar
view of main altar
view of side altar with Bellini altarpiece
detail: painting, side altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: painting above altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: painting on left side of altar
detail: painting on left side of altar
detail: painting on right side of altar
detail: pulpit
detail: organ shutters above entrance
detail: side altar
detail: side altar
detail: side altar
detail: painting, side altar
detail: painting, side altar
detail: pulpit
view of main altar
view towards side aisle from altar
detail: fresco of St. Matthew on pendentive
main facade
main facade
view of side entrance
detail: sculpture of St. George in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: column capitals, main facade
detail: emblem, main facade
detail: late 16th c. bust of Doge Tribuno Memmo in niche, main…
detail: late 16th c. bust of Doge Tribuno Memmo in niche, main…
main facade
main facade
view down nave towards entrance
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: painting of St. George
view down nave towards altar
view of altar and organ
detail: columns, sculpture right of entrance
detail: columns, sculpture left of entrance
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
side altar with painting by Leandro Bassano
side altar with painting by Leandro Bassano
side altar
side altar