Exterior: Campo, Southern Elevation
view of clocktower from Campo Santi Apostoli
view from Campo Santi Apostoli
Interior: Nave from South Aisle Chapel
Interior: South Nave Chapel
Interior: South Chapel
Interior: Central Nave
Interior: Crossing
Interior: Nave
Interior: Nave
view of chapel from nave
detail: altarpiece, Communion of Santa Lucia
view of altar with painting “Fall of Manna” by Paolo Veronese
detail: Last Supper by Cesare da Conegliano on right side of…
cupola above altar
The Virgin and Child, St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist and St.…
The Virgin and Child, St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist and St.…
Christ between the Apostles by Sebastiano Santi
tomb of Marco Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Marco Cornaro
tomb of Marco Cornaro
altarpiece, Communion of Santa Lucia
arch over altar
detail: column
view of pulpit