VR Tour
Begun ca. 1492
Sculptural Program
All three portals would have original displayed jamb figures of Old Testament kings, queens, and prophets. Suger is widely considered to be the first to use this convention towards the creation of a royal portal, drawing a connection between Regnum and Sacerdotium and celebrating Saint Denis' status as a royal abbey. These figures, which survive in fragments and through drawings, are of an elegant, refined Romanesque style, and were most likely carved by sculptors trained outside of the Ile-de-France, in Burgundy and Languedoc.
Bouillet, A., St-Étienne-du-Mont, Paris, 1897
Christ, Y., Saint-Étienne-du-Mont, Paris, s.d.
Perdrau, J., Guide du visiteur et du pelerine à l'église de Saint-Étienne du Mont, Paris, 1886?
Raunier, E., Épitaphier du vieux Paris: recoil général des inscriptions funéraires des églises, couvents, colleges, hospices, cimitìeres et charniers, depuis le moyen âge jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, Paris, 1890