Rampillon, Église Saint-Éliphe


    Begun ca. 1230


    An aisled basilica with no transept, terminated to the east by a five-segmented apse.


    A three-story elevation with stocky thick piliers cantonnés and compound piers, a tall blind triforium, and deeply recessed clerestory with no passabe. The western frontispiece features a flanking tower to the south and a circular donjon attached to the north. Also in the western frontispiece is a sumptuous Last Judgement portal (c. 1260-70s) with a very early use of niche figures. The style is reminiscent of the "Joseph Master" at Reims b-1044. An earlier 1220-30 Coronation of the Virgin is located in the south flank of the nave. (W. Sauerländer)


    Construction dates between 1230 and 1260.


    Curious regional references can be seen throughout the building. Piliers cantonnés point to the cathedrals of Chartres b-1107 and Reims b-1044. The tall triforium and recessed clerestory look Burgundian. The reduced stripped down plan reflects a small church simplified plan of the period.

    Carlier, Achille. L'église de Rampillon, Paris, 1930.
    Henry, Faith Brabenec. "Dating the Portal Sculpture at the Church of Rampillon : Submitted in Partial Fulfillment ... Art History." dissertation (deg), University of Michigan, 1974.
    Moulin, Jacques. "Rampillon: Restauration Du Portail Occidental De L'église." Bulletin monumental 150, no. 1 (1992): 59.