Images Search Gallery - Any -Exterior, general viewsExterior, western frontispieceExterior, western frontispiece and towersExterior naveExterior transeptExterior chevetInterior narthex (if present) and naveInterior crossing and transept armsInterior Upper ChapelInterior Lower ChapelInterior chevetInterior crypt (if present)Ancillary buildings (cloister, chapter house, refectory, dormitory etc) and displaced sculpture Exterior, general views Exterior, western frontispiece and towers Exterior nave Exterior chevet Interior narthex (if present) and nave Notes Date Begun ca. 12th century Location Bibliography Le Rouzic, L., Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs, Paris, Paris, 1948Pascal, abbé, Notice sur la paroisse de Saint-Nicolas des Champs, Paris, 1841