Parish of the diocese of Clermont, confirmed in 1105 by Paschal II to the abbey of Tournus. This 11th -12th century church, dedicated to Saint George, is composed of a low nave with side aisles, and a tall crossing bay with tall transept arms, similar to that of the church of St. Hilaire and Buxières. The tall central apse is flanked by apsidioles. The nave main vessel is barrel vaulted without transverse arches, and the side aisles have longitudinal barrel vaulted, as do the arms of the transept. The nave arcades have a double order with a lower round arch corresponding to the height of the aisles and a taller pointed arch for the main vessel—have the aisles been added to what was originally a single-vessel nave. The height rises in the crossing, where the corners are bridged by squinches similar to those in the church of Châtel-de-Neuvre. The articulation in the crossing is significantly more ornate than in the nave: above engaged columns, which support the transverse arches and transept arcades, rest elaborate capitals, decorated with rinceaux, foliage, and historicizing images. These are not unlike the decorative capitals found at Souvigny, and perhaps this provides evidence of a more lavishly funded campaign involving the construction of the crossing and transept. At the time of this campaign the older lower nave was simply refurbished with the addition of aisles. The western bay of the southern nave aisle vault has collapsed and has been rebuilt; the western frontispiece with its niches is probably post-medieval. There are no buttresses on the southern wall of the nave.