Parish of the diocese of Bourges, dependent upon the abbey of Plaimpied in the Berry. The church was also seat of a priory. This is one of the most spectacular churches of the area for reasons of its size and quality of construction. A four-bay nave with pointed barrel vault is flanked by rather narrow aisles with groin vaults and intersected by a projecting transept with pointed barrel vault. Nave supports are unusually substantial—the deeply-projecting dosseret and attached colonnette toward the central vessel provides internal buttressing. Rectangular chapels are set to the east of the transept arms like Buxières. Nave and transept belong to the second part of the 12th century; the main vault is said to be later. The flat chevet with its rib vault belongs to the mid 13th century. There is a gallery with upstairs chapel at the west end of the nave and a projecting staircase turret to serve it. Twelfth century construction began to the south east of the crossing, judging from the decorative bases. Transept arms, north nave aisle and the first bay of the south nave are of semi-cut ashlar; the remaining three bys of the nave south aisle are of fine ashlar. The south nave aisle shows signs of having been increased in height.