The parish/priory church of Saint Julien, once belonged to the former diocese of Bourges. and is thought to have been in the gift of S-Menoux. The apse and choir belong to the late 11th or early 12th century, followed by the nave, with its three bays and side aisles, which were probably erected in the mid-12th century. he choir is made up of two barrel-vaulted bays with massive transverse arches. Two-bay rectangular chapels to the north and south of the choir belong to the fifteenth century with nineteenth century restoration. Keystones with a noble coat of arms indicates the patronage of a wealthy seigneur during the 15th century. Although this church has no transept, the aforementioned Gothic chapels create the effect of a pseudo-transept within the interior space. The heavily plastered outer walls of the nave aisles are devoid of articulation. Pointed barrel vaults top both the central vessel of the nave; the side aisles are topped with deformed quadrant vaults. The main arcade springs from T-shaped piers. The narrowness of the side aisles suggest that this church has been retrofitted: originally the nave had a wooden roof and single vessel: the main arcade and vaults were inserted later. On the interior western wall, engaged columns flank the main entrance. These are crowned with Saint Juilien?s only capitals, reminiscent of those found in Souvigny. Like Besson, Chemilly, and Yzeure, a projecting portal with multiple orders gives prominence to the western façade. Its heavily decorated typanum features a relief sculpture of Christ set in a mandorla and flanked by his twelve apostles. Colonnettes with ornate capitals stand on either side of the doorway. The western façade is entirely ashlar, while the walls of the nave are petit appareil, with ashlar responds. A rectangular bell tower was built above the eastern bay of the choir. There is considerable deformation in the main arcade and exterior walls.